16 Glossary of Computer Terms

NB: The idea is to create a detailed glossary in multiple languages to facilitate understanding. Languages: English, German, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, etc. Entries may be supplied by illustration for more efficiency and clarity.

16.1 General Computer Terms

  • file manager: a software application that provides a user interface to manage files and directories.
    • German: Dateimanager;
    • Arabic: مدير الملفات (Mudīr al-mulafāt);
    • Persian: مدیر پرونده (Modir-e Parvandeh);
  • command line: A text-based interface where users input commands to control the computer.
    • German: Befehlszeile;
    • Arabic: سطر الأوامر (satr al-awamir);
    • Persian: خط فرمان (xatt-e farman);
  • path: a reference to a specific location in a file system, typically consisting of a sequence of directories leading to a specific file or directory.
    • German: Pfad;
    • Arabic: مسار (masar);
    • Persian: مسیر (masir);
  • folder: a virtual container within a file system used to store and organize files and other folders.
    • German: Ordner;
    • Arabic: مجلد (majallad);
    • Persian: پوشه (poshe);
  • file: A digital container for storing data or information on a computer system.
    • German: Datei;
    • Arabic: ملف (malaf);
    • Persian: فایل (file);

16.2 R-Specific Terms

16.3 NLP and Linguistics

  • natural language processing (NLP): The branch of artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
    • German: Natürliche Sprachverarbeitung;
    • Arabic: معالجة اللغة الطبيعية (mu‘ālajat al-lughah al-ṭabī‘īyah);
    • Persian: پردازش زبان طبیعی (pardazesh-e zabān-e tabi’i);
  • ngram: A contiguous sequence of n items (such as letters, words, or symbols) from a given sample of text or speech.
    • German: N-Gramm;
    • Arabic: ن-جرام (n-gram);
    • Persian: ن-گرام (n-gram);
  • token: A sequence of characters in text that represents a unit of meaning, often corresponding to a word or a symbol.
    • German: Token;
    • Arabic: رمز (ramz);
    • Persian: توکن (token);
  • corpus: A large and structured set of texts, often used for linguistic research and natural language processing tasks.
    • German: Korpus;
    • Arabic: مدونة (madwana);
    • Persian: متن‌نگار (matn-negar);
  • corpus linguistics: The study of language based on large collections of “real life” language use stored in corpora.
    • German: Korpuslinguistik;
    • Arabic: علم اللغة المدوني (’ilm al-lughah al-madwani);
    • Persian: زبان‌شناسی متنی (zabān-shenāsi-ye matni);
  • computational linguistics: An interdisciplinary field concerned with the computational aspects of the human language capacity and the application of computational methods to linguistic questions.
    • German: Computerlinguistik;
    • Arabic: اللسانيات الحاسوبية (al-lisāniyāt al-ḥāsūbīyah);
    • Persian: زبان‌شناسی محاسباتی (zabān-shenāsi-ye moḥāsebatī);

16.4 Machine Learning

  • machine learning
  • deep learning
  • optical character recognition (OCR)
  • handwritten tet recognition (HTR)
  • training a model
  • artificial intelligence